Monday, October 02, 2006

How to make a Beta Blogger widget/Page Element.

To make a beta Blogger widget....

Sign in to Blogger Beta---->In Dashboard choose your blog and click on Layout------>This takes you to the Add and Arrange Page Elements page. Choose where you want to make a widget whether in sidebar or header. Click 'Add a Page Element'. This opens a new page where you can choose the type of widget you want to make. The choices are as follows :
1. Globally Available Data
2. Page Header
3. Blog Posts
4. Blog Archives
5. Profile
6. Text/HTML/Javascript
7. Feed
8. Picture
9. Labels
10. List
11. Link list
12. Logo
Make your choice and fill in data in Content field and Save Changes.
Congratulations! You have just made your first widget.


Poltergeist said...

And how do i add 'previous posts' as a page element in the upgraded blogger?
Help me out!

vin said...


Have a look at :

Poltergeist said...

I do as per the instructions there but in vain. :(
I see the page element title on my blog page but no previous posts appear thereafter.
Also, upon testing the feed URL, validator finds it erroneous (in that case test/debug option helpful?). I am confused a bit!

vin said...


Your feed url should be correct. Test it in a feed reader and see if you can see your blog posts.